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How to Increase Your Business by Asking for 5 Star Online Reviews?


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Small businesses rely on word-of-mouth advertising and personal recommendations to attract new customers. In the era of social media and online review sites, this word-of-mouth has gone digital. Online reviews are one of the most important factors that potential customers use to determine whether or not they will do business with you. In fact, 72% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more (BrightLocal, 2018).  But how do you increase your business by asking for 5 star online reviews?


As the owner of a small business, it is important to continuously monitor your online reputation and actively seek out customer feedback. One way to do this is by asking customers to leave a 5-star review on popular review sites like Google, Yelp, and Local Trust Navigator. But how do you go about asking for 5-star online reviews without seeming pushy or desperate? Read on for some tips.


1. The timing of your request is key. 

The best time to ask a customer for a review is when they are already engaged with your product or service and are most likely to be satisfied. For example, if you own a restaurant, you could ask diners for their feedback as they are paying their bill or while they are waiting for their food. If you own a retail store, you could ask customers if they’re enjoying their purchase as they’re checking out. Basically, you want to strike while the iron is hot!


2. Keep it short and sweet. 

When asking customers for reviews, be brief and to the point. No one wants to be bombarded with a long pitch about why their feedback is essential to you. Simply state that you would appreciate it if they would leave a 5-star review and thank them in advance. 


3. Don’t offer an incentive in exchange for positive reviews. 

It may be tempting to offer discounts or coupons in exchange for 5-star reviews but resist the urge! This practice is considered unethical by many review sites and can lead to your account being suspended or even terminated. Incentivizing positive reviews also gives customers the impression that you only care about getting good reviews and not about providing quality products or services. Let your product or service speak for itself – good reviews will follow!


4. Respond graciously to negative reviews. 

Of course, no business is perfect and you will inevitably receive the occasional negative review. It happens to even the best of us!  When this happens, take a deep breath and remember that how you handle negative feedback says just as much about your business as the feedback itself does. Responding in a professional and courteous manner shows potential customers that you are committed to providing excellent customer service and are willing to go above and beyond to resolve any issues that may arise. 


Online reviews play an important role in attracting new customers and growing your small business – so it’s important to actively seek them out! By following the tips above, you can confidently ask customers for 5-star reviews without coming across as pushy or desperate. Remember – providing quality products or services is the best way to earn positive reviews so always keep that as your top priority! Make sure to set up your Local Trust Navigator page so you can start getting more reviews!


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