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Creating a Web Page on a Local Business Review Site Pros & Cons


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In the age of the Internet, it is more important than ever for businesses to have an online presence. But with so many different options for how to create that presence, it can be difficult to know where to start—or whether certain platforms are even worth the effort. One option that has become increasingly popular in recent years is creating a web page on a local business review site like Local Trust Navigator. But is it really worth your time? Here’s a look at the pros and cons of using a local business review site:


PRO: Increased Visibility

One of the biggest advantages of having a web page on a local business review site is that it can help increase your visibility. When potential customers are searching for businesses in your industry, your page will come up—giving you the chance to make a good first impression and attract attention. 


PRO: More Credibility Than Some Other Options

When potential customers see that you have a page on a well-known, reputable local business review site, it can give you an instant boost in credibility—especially if the site is one that is frequently used by people in your area. 


PRO: Higher SEO

Having your business be visible on a local business review site helps with your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). When people search for businesses like yours, having good reviews can help you rank higher in the search results. 


PRO: Builds Trust

Building trust in your business is important. People are more likely to do business with a company that has good reviews. And it also gives you an opportunity to show off your customer service skills. If someone leaves a negative review, you can respond publicly and show everyone how you handle unhappy customers. 


CON: Requires Ongoing Maintenance

Anytime you create an online presence for your business, it requires ongoing maintenance to keep things fresh and up-to-date. With a local business review site, this usually means regularly adding new content (such as specials or deals) and responding to customer reviews—both positive and negative. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it is something to keep in mind before you commit to creating a page.


There are both pros and cons to creating a web page on a local business review site—it really just depends on your specific situation and needs. However, as long as you’re prepared to put in the time and effort required to maintain your page. having a page on a site like Local Trust Navigator can be a great way to increase visibility and build credibility for your business. 


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